Hype Girl


Hi I'm Dallas! I'm a mother of 2 and engaged to my best friend! I'm a simple gal with a love for adventure! I fell in love with boudoir photography years ago and have not looked back since! It has brought me so much self love and confidence! Not to mention a whole new outlook on myself! We as women should all embrace our bodies, and boudoir photography is the perfect way to do that


Hi, I'm Jessica! I am a stay at home mom to four girls and married to a wonderful and supportive man. I have struggled for the majority of my life with my body image, and that struggle has affected nearly every part of my life. I finally talked myself into the courage to book the shoot and effectively shut the door on that insecurity. The immediate change in my confidence was amazing, and the long-term effects have been astonishing! I love the brand, I love the women, I love the confidence, and I love the outcome that Boudoir provides. I am thankful for the opportunity to share my journey and hopefully inspire other women to change the way they think about themselves!


Hi I'm Emma! I'm a mamma of three, wifey & outdoors lover! After three kids and years of doubting myself, I finally found the courage to step in front of the camera. Boudoir photography has given me a chance to rediscover myself and embrace who I am - a woman, a wife, a mother. If you're on the fence about it, just do it! You won't regret gaining that boost of confidence and self-love. Life's too short not to feel empowered in your own skin.